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Practitioner Training to bring your love and experience of nature connection to others, to integrate it into your work, whether you are a forest school teacher, yoga teacher, healer, forest bather, creative, mindfulness coach, well-being practitioner or more, there are ways that you know you want to integrate the elements and nature energies into your work.



This six module program gives you the tools and practices to help others to spiritually and psychically connect with nature.  You will learn how to lead deep nature connection walks, create guided meditations and visualisations with specific goals and to connect with specific nature energies, shape-shifting, working with plant and tree essence and more.



The program consists of 6 online modules, which include worksheets, videos and audio lessons.

You will be covering:

Module One:  What is deep nature connection, introducing the main concepts and tools that will assist your clients to understand and start connecting in psychic and spiritual ways with nature.  How to connect with wild spaces.

Module Two: Guiding journeys into deep nature connection, how to create guided visualisations and journeys with specific outcomes, goals and connections.  Creating sacred spaces to guide your journeys.

Module Three: Using and creating tools I.  Working with tools to power up the ways your clients can work with nature energies.  Crystal Energy.

Module Four: Using and creating tools II.  Plant essences - creating your own and how to work with them.

Module Five: Shape-shifting - how to assist your clients to have profound experiences shape-shifting with nature beings.

Module Six: Energy healing and balancing with nature energies - working with divine mother and father, divine feminine and masculine and elemental flows.

PLUS: Each module includes practical exercises and activities you can guide groups and individuals through outdoors for deep nature connection workshops and sessions.


Prerequisite for the Deep Nature Practitioner Training is the Wild Earth Seer Program.  This can be completed alongside the training or separately first as the foundation for the training.  I recommend either going through the Wild Earth Seer program completely first OR completing both programs over a twelve month period by alternating month by month Part one of Wild Earth Seer then Module one of Deep Nature Practitioner Training, alternating in this way over the six parts of the Wild Earth Seer and the six modules of the Training.

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Your guides are speaking to you through nature in many different ways. Much of nature you see around you is a physcial manifestation of other planes of consciousness that you would ordinarily categorise as star beings, angels, guides, ancestors - start reaching out to them and recognising their messages.

Your greatest spiritual journey on earth is to connect to the earth, the cosmos and all nature beings on every level possible.  To step into their frequencies, to communicate, to connect and to form deeper relationship.  Receive the Practitioner Training and fully step into your nature consciousness and help others to do the same.

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